
Alert archives

Tuesday, 17 September 2024
Next session: Friday 7 February

We’re next back at the track Friday, 7 February for Series 1

Coaching continues throughout the summer.

We had a great (hot, long and fast) weekend at Regionals last weekend. More details for next steps to follow…

Friday Night

Tiny Tots – U8 5:30pm-6:30pm

U9 – U17 6:30pm-8:30pm

Incase of wet weather: We never cancel in the case of rain unless there is lightning around, please keep an eye on social media and this page for the latest information. If its raining heavily we will hold a mixed age series with no points, the kids love running in the rain even if the parents don’t!

Sunday, 28 July 2024
Registrations open Thursday 1st August

Get ready, it’s registration time!

Registrations open THIS THURSDAY 1st AUGUST. When the link becomes available from LANSW, it will be posted here.

All information you need is on our rego page.

IMPORTANT things to remember:

  • Register early! Many age groups fill up and we will have to add you to a waitlist if you miss out, even if you are returning member.
  • We are not offering trials. Our club is just too big to handle this
  • We are a volunteer club, meaning we are a club who requires parents to volunteer on Friday nights, but if this isn’t for you or you’re unable to assist, you can pay an additional fee to enable us to hire help.
Thursday, 18 January 2024
Keep fit over winter!

Winter training at ES Marks

Winter Coaching and starts the week commencing Monday 8 April . We have sprints, throws, long/triple and 200/400/800 coaching options across Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday

Whilst little Athletics is over and winter sport has commenced.  The Schools competition program (School, Zone, Regionals, State and Nationals U10-U12) operates in Winter so doing one session a week will greatly assist with the schools program.  Remember the Primary Schools program  has 100m, 200m, 800m, 1500m long jump, high jump, discus and shot put plus 2km and 3km cross country.  The Senior Schools program has all the events we do plus Hammer Throw, Steeple Chase and Pole Vault.

The coaching fee is for the season not per session and the fee is for the winter season.

The winter season starts week commencing Monday 8 April – 24 September for the (Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday options) and Monday 14 October for the Monday option.  There is no coaching on public holidays nor during the public school holidays periods for (Tuesday, Wednesday and Sundays).  Monday Coaching continues through the school holidays for those that paid for Mondays but is not available on Monday public holidays.

Monday (note 26 nights in the winter season) fee $230 for season and you can attend any session (noting 12 plus hurdles with Mal is only for age 12 plus hurdlers.  The $5 access fee also applies Monday as the coaching fee covers the coaching cost only.

  • 1730-1830 Sprints with Manu
  • 1730-1815 Hurdles with Mal (U8-U11)
  • 1815-1900 Hurdles with Mal ages 12 plus
  • 1730-1815 Long/Triple with Max Wende
  • 1730 – 1815 Shot and discuss with Anne
  • 1815-1845 Javelin with Max Wende
  • 1815-1915 Speed endurance with Anne 200/400/800,

Tuesday sprints with Manu 1730-1830  this season U6 and above  cost $160 for the season (ES Marks gate entry fee payable to Centennial Parklands)

Wednesday sprints and hurdles with Mal 1730 -1830 U8 and above cost $200 for the season (ES Marks gate entry fee payable to Centennial Parklands)

Sunday 0830-0930 Speed endurance at McKay Oval Centennial Park with Anne $160 for the season (no access fee obviously)

For those seeking distance training options contact Drew at drewarichardson@gmail.com


Please ensure that all fees are paid prior to joining the coaching.  Please pay the ESLAC bank account

Eastern Suburbs Little Athletics BSB: 012241

Account Number: 254 095 775

When paying, put your name and the night for which you are paying in the comments field:
eg $200 Wed H Holt etc

Thanks your ESLAC committee


Friday, 3 November 2023
Fri 2nd Jan – no points, training and Fri night as usual

Dear Eastern Suburbs Zone Athletes, Parents and Carers,

Well done to all our athletes at Zone as well as our parents, carers and coaches.  We had 188 athletes in 639 events at zone and it was great to host Zone at ES Marks.

Our under 7s don’t progress to Regionals but they took home lots of medals and performed well at what was probably their first big competition.  They will all be better for the experience and it’s easy to forget that many of our champion athletes started the same way.

We have 140 athletes or 82% of our eligible Zone athletes progressing to Regionals in 352 events.  The Eastern Suburbs progression list is attached.  We also had four relay teams progress with the Junior Boys, Junior Girls and Senior Boys winning and the Senior girls coming second running with two U15s and no U17.  The Junior boys broke their record from last year and the Junior Girls and Senior Boys weren’t far off the records.  It is great to see our Senior teams performing well after so many years of good junior teams.

One other impressive statistic is that Eastern Suburbs had more first places than any club at zone as per the table attached.  We also had a massive 19 more 1st places than Balmain to secure a top of the table finish.  Our 188 athletes achieved top 3 places in 189 events.  For context Balmain had 249 athletes at Zone so 61 more than us. ESLAC on top of the “medal” table is a great achievement.  Even 5 years ago we would not have thought that this was possible.

We also had Marnie (long jump), Charles (80m hurdles) and Callie (400m) break zone records as well as Spencer, Ethan, Bertie and Charles break the record in the Junior boy’s relay.  Well done, breaking zone records is a real achievement.  For the record breakers I have your $50 vouchers ready to present upon your return from holidays.

Thanks to all of the parent volunteers and our paid crew for the work over the weekend.  The BBQ was a massive undertaking too and it seemed to go well.  Thanks Paul, Grant and Allison for taking charge at the BBQ for us and to all of the parent helpers.  Our usual Friday nights prepared us well for the big crowds.

Regionals is on at Sylvania on the 3rd and 4th of February.  The program will be finalised in early January.  At this stage it is a 2-day program, I am just not sure on which day of the program the 3km event will be held yet.

In my experience Regional results suffer where the athlete doesn’t maintain their training over the break. So please keep some training up over the next 3-4 weeks, especially if you want to qualify for State.   Our ESLAC coaches are back on Monday 15 January and our usual Friday night event is on again on the 19th of January. There is no event Friday 26th of January (Australia day) with Regionals the following weekend.

For those that want more competition, there is State Combined Carnival on the 2nd and 3rd of March in Newcastle.  The registrations for this event are open now.  It is great carnival for our athletes that are talented over the running, throw and jumps events.

Finally, ESLAC is also affiliated with Athletics NSW (ANSW) and this year they are offering a separate Regional Program.  ANSW is a separate entity to Little Athletics and used to be called Senior Athletics.  Our U13-U18 athletes used to join Senior Clubs under dual membership rights to compete at State Juniors and Nationals.  Now they can stay at ESLAC and compete in our colours at these events.  There is a $40 fee to join the ANSW and they will be hosting a Regional Carnival at SOPAC on the 17th and 18th of February for our Region (Sydney East Clubs). You will have to enter via the Athletics NSW site and the entries won’t open until January.  Under this program you pay fees when you register for the events unlike our Little Athletics programs where we charge a small fee for Zone and Regionals and no fees for State.  There is no Zone equivalent for the ANSW program.

Under the ANSW program they will also host a Youth State Titles with progression based on performance at the ANSW Regional program.  The ANSW State will be on the 14th to 17th of March at SOPAC a week before State Little Athletics.

To access these ANSW Regional and State programs you need to go to the Athletics NSW site and register.  You choose a club (Eastern Suburbs Little Athletics) and complete the ANSW online registration form which will cost $40.  Only those competitors that want to compete in the ANSW programs need to do this.

There is the normal State Juniors for our U13 to U20 athletes under the ANSW program which is on at SOPAC on the 7th to the 10th of March.  Many of our talented U13-U17 athletes use this event to achieve qualifying times for the National Junior Championships.

Again, well done to our Zone team that was our biggest and now most successful ever.  Let’s aim for great results at Regionals and for a record number of athletes to progress to State Little Athletics this season.

See you back at the track in the new year for our Friday night 19th of January 2024 event.

Drew Richardson

ESLAC President

Thursday, 26 October 2023
State Relay Teams Announced

Weather Update:

We are expecting some showers tonight but not enough to cancel our Little Athletics for Friday the 27th of October. So bring a towel and some warm clothes because whatever the weather, we will be at ES Marks this evening.

We are back at the track tonight, Friday, 27 October doing Series 5. Have fun everyone, see you there!

It’s likely to be one of our busiest nights, so please bring your patience and help volunteer with your kids activities!

Do you have siblings in different time-slots on a Friday Night? Did you know you can sign-up your older children to coaching at 5:30pm while they wait for their session to start. Find out more here

State Relay Teams Announced

Please find below the state relay teams for ESLAC for 2023. The Little Athletics NSW State relay championships will be held on Saturday the 11th and Sunday the 12th of November. On Saturday the 11th the Junior Teams compete (U8 to U11 Age Groups) and on Sunday the 12th the Senior Teams compete (U12 to U17 Age Groups). Congratulations to all those athletes who have been selected, ESLAC is a high performing club in all NSW athletics competitions and being selected to represent ESLAC is a great achievement of which you should be very proud.

ESLAC State Relay Junior Teams 25th October 2023

2023 State Relays Junior Saturday Program

ESLAC State Relay Senior Teams 25th October 2023

2023 State Relays Senior Sunday Program

Friday, 20 January 2023
Hope you had great school holidays

We are back at the track tonight, Friday, 27 October doing Series 5. Have fun everyone, see you there!

It’s likely to be one of our busiest nights, so please bring your patience and help volunteer with your kids activities!

Do you have siblings in different time-slots on a Friday Night? Did you know you can sign-up your older children to coaching at 5:30pm while they wait for their session to start. Find out more here

Registrations are open for the 23/24 season. Click here to Register!

Some age groups are already full, please email eslac1@outlook.com with full name and age group to be added to the waitlist.


U7B & G

U8B & G

U9B & G



Summer Coaching has commenced

Wednesday, 14 December 2022
Have a great Break, see you in the New Year!

We’re back in action on Friday, Jan 20, 2023

Did you compete at Zone?

Check here to see if you qualified for Regionals  4 & 5 February – The Crest, Bankstown

In the meantime be sure to check out the fantastic photography (captured by Leone, the Vice President) from the Zone weekend on our Facebook site.

Summer Training

Monday training continues with Mal, Maxim and Anne until Monday, 19 Dec, and then start again Monday, 16 Jan

Wednesday training continues with Mal and Alex until Weds, 22 Dec (subject to ES Marks being open), starting again Weds, 11 January.

Sunday, 23 October 2022
Have you been selected for the State Relay Team? FINAL State Relay Teams annouced!


updated 6/11/22

The <<LANSW State Relay Championships>> will take place at Sydney Olympic Park Athletics Centre on Saturday, 12 & Sunday, 13 November 2022.


ATTENDANCE: Please email the Club President drewarichardson@gmail.com as soon as you can if you are unable to attend, as this will impact the entire age-group.
Please remember if one team member doesn’t arrive the whole team can’t run. 

COST: There is a $20 entry fee per athlete which covers entry fee to the Championships, warm-up, coaching over the 2 days, as well as Team Manager. This can be paid at the registration/uniform table this Friday.

JUNIORS: Saturday, 12 Nov 2022 Junior Day – U8 to U11 age groups. Officials Sign-on 7.30am First Marshal call 8.30am First Event 9.00am. Assume you will be at SOPAC most of the day.

SENIORS: Sunday, 13 Nov 2022 Senior Day – U12 to U17 age groups Officials Sign-on 7.30am First Marshal call 8.30am First Event 9.00am

Events on the << Warm-Up track >> are noted as WUT. All of the running events are on the Main Track.

Plan to arrive at least 75 minutes before the call time. Come to the grand stand, look out for the ESLAC signs and we will publish where we are on Instagram.

ALL ATHLETES must have ESLAC uniform with registration number, singlet, red shorts/tights, Coles patch and age patch.

We will have a number of coaches there on the days for warm up and practice changes etc


Training MONDAY, 7 NOVEMBER 530-630 for U8-U10 and 630 to 730 for U11 to Seniors

(If your team has arranged a dedicated training session Wednesday with Drew directly then no need to attend Monday).

Click here for JUNIOR TEAMS

Click here for SENIOR TEAMS

Wednesday, 31 August 2022
Important information – Some age groups and waitlist now closed

Update on Enrolments

Our enrolments this year are very strong and this morning we had another several age groups reach capacity, see below. We had planned to offer trials again for the first time since the pre-Covid era, but with so many age groups already sold out or very close to being sold out we sadly won’t be able to offer trials except in the older age groups.

Age Groups Update – 14.10.22

Full and closed
GIRLS – U7, U8, U9, U11
BOYS – U8, U9, U10, U11

Limited spaces
GIRLS – U6, U12

Still availability
GIRLS – TT, U10, U13+
BOYS – TT, U6, U11, U12, U13+

Given the interest this year, if you are considering enrolling for the first time or returning again for the season, please enrol now. Our waitlist is now CLOSED. Please also understand we don’t offer refunds.

Trials Update

Given our very strong enrolments, we are now unable to offer trials to all age groups. Trials are only available for U12-U17 age groups. If you are considering enrolling, please see the summary below.

What do we do?

In summary, we are a Friday night club that operates from September to March (the calendar is on the website). Tots to Under 8 are held between 5:30pm-6:30pm and U9 to U17 are between 6:30pm-8:15pm. We have a great facility at ES Marks that has just been re surfaced and has improved lighting as well.

We have a range of coaching options outside of our Friday night. The Friday night is like a mini school carnival with timing etc where there are a minimum of two running events and two field events. We have 6 event series where we cycle through all the events in the program, participating in your age group. The focus is participation and improvement. Like a school carnival there are limited coaching options during the Friday night events.

For those that want coaching we have a range of options outside the Friday night event and there are fees for these. We subsidise the coaching but the fees allow us to offer a broader range of coaching options and higher frequency. Our coaches are highly experienced and our competition team results demonstrate how good they are. For those that want to compete our competition team goes to Zone, Regional and State. We won 25 medals at State Titles last season making us the most successful club in this area in terms of our competition team.

Wednesday, 27 July 2022

Registrations open on Monday, 1 August 2022

We have over 500 registrations per season with the most popular age groups U7, U8 and U9. Be sure to register early so you don’t miss out as we have a cap of 40 girls and 40 boys in these age groups per season.

Many age groups are already closed as follows: Girls U7, U8, U9, U11. Boys U8, U9, U10

Go to Registration Page


Only available to U12+ due to exceptionally high demand.


Come and train with us through the summer season to improve your Personal Bests! Excellent value for highly experienced coaches.