

Who are we and where did we come from?

Have you seen the number 2 on our uniforms? We are Centre number 2, which means we are the second oldest Little Athletics Centre in New South Wales after our local friends at Randwick Botany, Centre number 1.

Some of our parents and friends (old athletes even) remember the early days in the 1970′s when little athletics started and with fond memories we look back at our centre and the benefit that this sport has provided to our local community.

How many Litte Athletics centres in NSW?

In the 2013/2014 season, some 40,000 Little Athletes were registered over 200 Centres throughout NSW alone. These Centres were distributed throughout 24 Zones (12 metropolitan, 12 country) in 8 Regions (four metropolitan, 4 country). When officials are taken into account for each of the Centres to function each week, there are close to 50,000 men, women and children actively participating in the sport during the summer months.

History of the Eastern Suburbs Little Athletics Centre

Little Athletics began in Australia with the Victorian Little Athletics Association, formed in 1967. In NSW, the first club was Randwick Botany Centre, commenced in 1967 (hence its Centre Number, worn by its athletes when competing in carnivals against other centres, is 1) followed in 1970/71 by Eastern Suburbs (hence our athletes wear Centre Number 2).

Thus the 2014/15 Season is our 44th anniversary!

The LAANSW was formed in December 1970 and, according to the records, Eastern Suburbs was represented by “Mrs Winter, Mr W Kitchen, Mr R Hill and Mr P Carment”.

Australian Little Athletics Union was formed in Perth in 1972, and Victoria, New South Wales, Northern Territory & Western Australia were the founding members while South Australia, Queensland & Australian Capital Territory joined in the 1973/74 season and Tasmania joined in the 1974/75 season.

The Little Athletics Association of NSW became incorporated on January 19, 1988. It has a full-time staff of 9; as well as a number of casual staff who participate in the Jump Start program; a Board of Management and several sub-committees. The 200+ Centres each appoint 2 of their members to represent them at regular Zone meetings and at the Association’s Annual General Meeting and Conference.

ESLAC Life Members

The ESLAC Executive Council has the ability to reward long and meritorious service to the club by declaring them as “Life Members”. Since inception, the following people have been so honoured:-

 Eastern Suburbs Little Athletics Life Members 

Life members

Declared a Life Member in

Member athletes – Children (born 19??)

Period of Child-(ren)’s membership


Carol & Colin Groch


Details sought


Colleen Sorrensen


Details sought


Jim & Irene Rainey


Neil (b 1975), Jeannie (b 1976)



Joseph & Joanne Rollo


Ben (b 1979), Christina (b 1981), & Matthew (b 1984 )


Details sought

Neil & Leonie Estall


Byron, Rhea


Details sought

Moshe & Sue Riakos


Josephine (b ’77), Christine (b ’78), Patrick (b ’79), Megan (b ’81), Stacy (b ’84)



Julius Medgyessy


Julius (1980), Chanelle (1983)



George & Judy Cochrane


Elise (b 1987)

1994-2003 then coached 2003-14

georgec@cochrane.net.au judy@cochrane.net.au